Police Station

We provide a 24 hour a day service, 365 days of the year for people detained in Police Custody who require the services of a Solicitor. That service is provided at no cost to the detained person as we are a contracted supplier to the Legal Aid Agency.

Our police station department consists of a number of duty solicitors and Police Station Accredited Representatives who provide round the clock representation at all local police stations

The approach taken by the Police over recent years has shifted from routinely arresting people to inviting them to attend the Police Station for a voluntary interview. If the Police have asked you to attend for a voluntary interview, please be under no illusions that the interview is in any way less serious. It will still be recorded, you will still be under caution and anything you say may be used in evidence against you.

Many criminal allegations stand or fall at the Police Station interview stage.

If the evidence against you is overwhelming, sometimes a full and frank admission can have a remarkable effect on the outcome. You may be eligible for a Police Caution and sometimes could even stop a custodial sentence from being imposed by the Court. Sometimes the best advice is not to answer any questions at all, this can avoid compromising you further or admitting things that could not be proved otherwise. Sometimes the best advice is to give a full account, particularly where an allegation is denied. You might think you know what the best solution is but our collective experience is such that you can have some confidence in the advice we give you.

If the Police have invited you to attend for a voluntary interview, we would strongly advise you to contact us immediately as we can provide expert representation at no cost to yourself.

If you have been released by the Police on bail and have a duty to return to the Police Station, we can probably represent you at no cost to yourself on the bail return date.

This service is primarily aimed at Clients in the Lancashire area as there are funding restrictions as regards to travel time but for serious matters, current Clients or previous Clients, there are circumstances where we can either arrange for local representation to come to you or sometimes, attend in person.

For free initial advice, please contact us now.